Clean fluid contours flow effortlessly throughout Martyn Pugh’s collection of silverware.

Each piece has a satisfying solidity when used. He has created harmonious balance not only to the eye but to the hand. His design philosophy is uncomplicated.

“I create beautiful objects for people to use. Function and mechanics are of equal importance to uncompromised beauty”.

His skills at melding fine engineering with disarming elegance ensure a classical longevity for each piece

‘Incline 1’

‘Incline 1’ features a patinated metal handle, pierced by the contrasting matt, white body of the silver jug. Designed to be a statement piece for the table, the jug has a capacity of 325cl and functions perfectly in the delicate serving of dessert wines.

The body is formed using hand pressure only, coaxing the silver, without the use of hammers, around a mandrel into a teardrop section. It is then relaxed into its final position by heating it on the flat surface of the hearth. The ‘U’ section groove of silver which runs up the spine of the body is bent around a curved former before being squeezed into a taper, using a large vice, to fit the slope of the spine.

The pouring lip is the only hammered section on this piece, as the contoured metal handle is also hand formed around a steel mandrel. The handle is soldered to a vertical bar which is dry fixed with pins into the groove of the body. The strong, ergonomically designed handle provides a comfortable grip and good balance, it’s foot contributing to the stability of the vessel.


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