Aoife designs and creates unique and imaginative silverware. Each piece is a once-off interpretation of mythology, nature and the elements.
Observational drawings of plants and animals are used as starting points from which various design techniques are applied to create a sense of movement and transformation in her organic metal forms. She has a great appreciation of silversmithing processes and uses a variety of techniques such as chasing, engraving, forging and raising in her work. She works to commission and exhibits her pieces at galleries, museums and historic properties throughout the UK. She has studied with Rod Kelly, Julia Graefe, Malcolm Appleby, Ruth Anthony, Jacqueline Mina and at Goldsmith’s. As well as works for sale, she is available for individual commission work and to give classes on different aspects of silversmithing and jewellery making.
The Heaths of the High Tops
During a trip to Mexico, Aoife was inspired by the luminous colours of traditional Mexican Mayan costume and brightly coloured plants. She gained an appreciation of place, identity and culture from visits to cultural sites, museums and beautiful urban and rural locations. After returning to Scotland with this new appreciation for place she created a set of six shot glasses on a uniquely designed base to celebrate her Celtic culture and the blue, green and purple tones of Scottish Mountains, lakes, rivers and seas.
Techniques used to create the drinking vessels include chasing, repoussé and hammered textures with transparent enamels to enhance the elaborate surface decoration. Each shot glass is enamelled using different colours, allowing each drinker to choose their own colour but also feel connected to their fellow drinking companions through the inclusion of a base which holds all the drinks in one place. Through the use of chasing, repoussé and hammering Aoife’s highly textured surface design is on full display while the colours from the enamelling add a playfulness and vibrancy to the piece.
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